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Writer's pictureTJC



“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” - Ephesians 4:29

Growing up in a broken home, I saw first-hand the confusion and destruction that gossiping and finger pointing can bring to a family. I don’t recall my step mother having anything good to say about anyone, and I learned early on that I could live life free of that chaos by staying clear of her and others like her. Literally, live life without it, or her. It’s a shame really, as family is always stronger with each of its parts. But sometimes, avoidance is a better strategy rather than contributing to the demise of familial relationships. Sadly, I’ve seen that same outcome with multiple family branches over the years.


In our 29 years since saying we do, my bride and I have lived pretty quiet lives in terms of social events and any kind of partying. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t speak ill of others and would never accept others doing it in my presence. I’m not perfect. I’ve made comments under my breath about clothing choices or bad haircuts, and I take no pride in those lost opportunities to rise above. But I’ve tried to never impugn anyone’s character in a gossiping way. 


I suppose, by not engaging in that type of behavior, or, with people who do, I’ve unknowingly created a culture around our family that has protected them from such folly emotional distress. Since the results of such action wasn’t forethought, I can’t take any credit for it. But looking at the close relationships we’ve built with other family branches, and with the wonderful relationships we have with our son and daughter in law, I’m nonetheless thankful for it.


Daily Battle Order: Defend your family and others by simply not partaking in such behavior as gossip. Set the standard of behavior and be the leader your family needs in avoiding the disastrous effects that gossip can bring.



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