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Restoring the Covenant: Building Resilient Kingdom Marriages

Writer's picture: TJCTJC


“…and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” ~ Genesis 2:24

“Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” ~Genesis 3:16

 God’s design for marriage faces both external and internal challenges. This isn’t a new struggle but an ancient one—one the Kingdom is prepared to overcome.

Kingdom Marriage is anchored on the covenant relationship. Before the fall, Adam and Eve experienced perfect communion with God and each other. After the Fall, tension was put between them and they were aware  what was lost (Genesis 3:16). Now, no marriage is in perfect union, but Kingdom marriages are strengthened by God’s design and fortified against humanity’s shortcomings. Christ ushers us to the pre-Fall environment, he teaches us that spouses are equal partners. While roles may differ, neither partner is superior. Ultimately, like the Lord’s Covenant ceremony with Abraham (Genesis 15),  the marriage covenant depends not on the humans but on God’s goodness. It is a gift from our Holy Father, not a contractual agreement between parties. Our role is to love our spouse and embrace the privilege of being their greatest ally. 

Christian marriage suffers because many Kingdom Couples don’t fully grasp their identity or the depth of God’s goodness. The concepts of being co-laborers, co-heirs, and sharing co-dominion (Genesis 1:28-31) can be difficult to grasp. Moreover, the difference between Kingdom and cultural marriages is often hard to see. Cultural norms like “the man is the head, but the woman is the neck” distort the biblical covenant and are rooted in the curse from Genesis 3:16. While Christian marriage is under siege, Kingdom Marriage is not!

Last weekend, my wife and I celebrated 22 years of marriage. We’ve faced both triumphs and trials, loving and hurting each other along the way. After one argument, my wife wisely noted that winning a fight only leaves a loser—and no one wants to be married to a loser. We shifted our focus to tackling problems together, rather than each other. Now, we always strive to remember: “We are for each other.”

Daily Battle Order:

Kingdom man, how do you demonstrate you are in a Kingdom Covenant Marriage?  Are you and your wife true partners in everything? Would she agree? How do you show this to each other and to your children? Do you share responsibilities fairly? Are you equally invested in each other’s ambitions? Discuss these questions together, pray about them, and if you’re brave, ask your children for honest feedback.



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