via TJC
“ For by wise guidance you will wage war, And in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 24:6
A few years ago I attended my first Battlefield training at Gettysburg with The Joshua Commission. It was a really good day and I had no idea that I would be commissioned into the Joshua Commission that day! I didn’t think too much more about it until about 4 months later when one of the brothers invited me to a men’s breakfast at his church and a couple of the board members were there to talk about The Joshua Commission. After breakfast ended one of the guys asked me if I’d like to sit in on a phone conversation of all of the authors and I agreed. Once the meeting started and we had prayed, I was introduced as one of the new authors for TJC. As Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!”
I’ve been writing ever since and have attended several more battlefield trainings but the thing is; TJC is now a part of who I am. These men know who I am! They know my secrets, they know what failures I seek to overcome, they know my hopes for the future but most of all, in knowing everything about me, even those things that I have kept hidden in my life, they love me and accept me. I’m in their Cohort…a band of brothers!
The DBO’s we write, the battlefield trainings we offer are a part of who The Joshua Commission is but make no mistake; our end game is discipleship!
Daily Battle Order:
Are you going life alone or are you in a cohort? Do you have a Band of Brothers ready to die for you? Ready to live with you and do life with you? Ask yourself those questions today.
To learn more about joining one of our cohorts as we carry out The Great Commission, come join TJC for our next event, near Chattanooga, TN, April 22-24. Sign-up at: .